B4G Activity Book 2

B4G Activity Book 2

B4G Activity Book 2 B4G Activity Book 2 Let’s dive into the exciting world of play with your child! Getready for some fun activities on every page. Remember,children learn through play, so let loose and enjoy theseactivities together.   In this booklet we are...
B4G Activity Book 2

B4G Activity Book 1

B4G Activity Book 1 B4G Activity Book 1 On each page, there are activities for you and your child toenjoy together. Children learn best through play, so have funwith these activities. We will focus on body awareness andfeelings in this booklet. Body awareness involves...
B4G Activity Book 2

Lets Recycle Book 4

Lets Recycle Book 4 Let’s Recycle Book 4 Each child is unique and special. Each child has different abilities.Every parent or caregiver should spend time with their child to stimulate and to create opportunities for learning. As children grow, there are specific...
B4G Activity Book 2

Lets Recycle Book 3

Lets Recycle Book 3 Let’s Recycle Book 3 Over the past two books we have addressed different components of your child’s holistic development to help you better prepare your child for formal schooling. These activity books are aligned with the National...
B4G Activity Book 2

Lets Recycle Book 2

Lets Recycle Book 2 Let’s Recycle Book 2 We are excited to share the second activity book with you. We hope you, your child and the whole family had fun with the last activities. Imagine, how much learning happened while you spent the time with your child to...