Executive Summary
2022 was a year of refining, expanding, and where necessary, customizing the Step Up (SU) and Blocks
4 Growth (B4G) programmatic inputs to optimise impact. This was enabled by the solid and validated
foundation laid by The Learning Initiative (TLI) and Knysna Education Trust (KET) in preceding years. As
a result, impact assessments at both NGO’s showed stronger outcomes, and, equally important, more
SU and B4G are Early Childhood Development (ECD) therapeutic programmes, developed and
launched by TLI, to promote holistic child development for 5- to 6-year-olds and 4- to 5-year-olds
respectively. In 2022, B4G reached its seventh year of operation, whereas SU entered its second year.
The programmes were rolled out by TLI in and around Cape Town, whereas KET administered
operations in the Garden Route (B4G only). Whereas the programmes were previously supported by the Department of Social Development (DSD), it has since changed hands to the Department of Basic
Education (DBE) in April 2022.
The year started with five weeks of screening to identify children who were developmentally at risk.
1786 children were screened by TLI (SU = 336; B4G = 1450) of which 1192 children (SU = 227; B4G = 965)
were selected to participate in the programme (67% of total screened). At KET, 495 were screened (B4G only), of which 275 were selected to participate in the programme. The identified children received bi-weekly therapeutic intervention until post testing commenced at the start of November.
Throughout the year, teachers and parents were trained and motivated to ensure a holistic approach to the children’s developmental progress. In total, 170 teachers were trained in weekly Teacher Training sessions, whereas 767 parents attended parent observation sessions, 1460 parents attended parent meetings at the schools where the Therapists presented, 1278 were supported via WhatsApp groups, and 9980 stimulation packs were distributed to encourage both parent-child and inter-sibling
interaction and stimulation. From the feedback it was also evident that homework was met with
excitement, as opposed to being a burden.