Parent Wellness Book 3

Parent Wellness Book 3

Parent Wellness 3

Happiness is when life is good, and you cannot help but smile – you feel joy, pride, excitement, relief, satisfaction and love. Happiness means something different for every person. Happiness is not always guaranteed but you have the power to take control of your happiness by choosing your thoughts, behaviours and actions.

As parents, we think there is always more we could do, more time and love we should give. This kind of thinking is unhelpful. Rather think of everything you have achieved today., no matter how small.

It is important to appreciate the time you have with your children and to create special moments as a family. Talking and listening to your children improves your bond with them and encourages them to listen to you. It helps them to form relationships, and it builds their self-confidence.

The words that you use when talking to your children affects them directly. Using negative words can let your children feel unloved and bad. You can say the same thing, just using more positive words.

Download the Parent Wellness Book HERE