Lets Recycle Book 2
We are excited to share the second activity book with you. We hope you, your child and the whole family had fun with the last activities. Imagine, how much learning happened while you spent the time with your child to create, explore, and play.
As we mentioned in Book 1, children need to have mastered certain skills in their development before going to school so that they can cope with the demands placed on them. Based on guidelines from the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) and Early Learning Developmental Areas (ELDAs), we have developed activities that will help stimulate specific areas of development. In the book we explain what each ELDA means and why it is important. You will see that each ELDA has an icon. These icons will be used to show you which area is being focused on during an activity. The main ELDA will be in a big flag next to the activity.
You will get many ideas on how to use household items to stimulate your child. You do not need expensive toys. If you do not have something in the house, maybe you can replace it with something else? Get creative and problem solve with your child – this is such an important skill you can teach your child. If your child can come up with solutions few problems will be too big to solve in the future.
It is important that you as a parent work hard to help your child be ready for school. Doing the activities in this book is a good start. You will have to practise colours, counting, shapes, drawing, cutting etc. over and over.
If your child finds an activity too easy, you can do the activity from the older age group. Or make it more difficult by helping less.
If your child finds an activity too difficult, do the activity from the younger age group. Or make it easier by helping more.
Remember to be patient with your child. A child learns best when he/she knows that mistakes are okay to make. Praise your child often. It may not be perfect, but he/she did his/her best.